Install API7 Enterprise
This tutorial walks you through installing API7 Enterprise in Docker using the quickstart script.
The installation will include the API7 Enterprise components, data plane, control plane, dashboard, and external components, PostgreSQL and Prometheus, for managing configuration and monitoring, respectively.
In this guide, a containerized all-in-one solution for Proof of Concept (PoC) tests is provided, including PostgreSQL and Prometheus. This eliminates the need for manual database and monitoring setup, streamlining your PoC process.
For production deployments, API7 Enterprise also supports MySQL and OceanBase in place of PostgreSQL. Please contact API7 experts to get solutions for high availability and scalability.
- Install Docker and Docker Compose. It is recommended to use 3.10.0-927 or higher versions. It is known that 3.10.0-327 or previous versions are incompatible.
- Install cURL.
- Obtain a 30-day free trial license.
- Operating system: It is recommended to use Linux CentOS 7.6 or higher versions. It is known that Linux CentOS 7.2 or previous versions are incompatible.
Install API7 Enterprise
curl -sL "" | bash
You should see a response similar to the following:
✔ Container api7-ee-postgresql
✔ Container api7-ee-prometheus
✔ Container api7-ee-api7-ee-dashboard
✔ Container api7-ee-api7-ee-dp-manager
✔ Container api7-ee-api7-ee-gateway
✔ API7-EE is ready!
API7-EE Listening: Dashboard(, Control Plane Address(,, Gateway(,
API7-EE Listening: Dashboard(, Control Plane Address(,, Gateway(,
If you want to access Dashboard with HTTP Endpoint(:7080), you can turn server.listen.disable to false in dashboard_conf/conf.yaml, then restart dashboard container
Activate API7 Enterprise
Visit the API7 Enterprise Dashboard at
and log in with the default usernameadmin
and passwordadmin
.infoYou can also access the dashboard at
. However, the subsequent deployment scripts generated in the dashboard will default to uselocalhost
as the IP address, which can lead to connectivity issues, such as when deploying API7 gateway and ingress controller on Kubernetes.Select the license that you want to upload and then click Upload to activate API7 Enterprise.
Stop API7 Enterprise
If you have done testing API7 Enterprise, you can stop API7 Enterprise using the following command under the api7-ee
bash stop
Next Steps
- See Deploy Gateway and Ingress Controller on Kubernetes if you would like to deploy API7 gateways on Kubernetes and use an ingress controller.
- Follow the getting started tutorials to learn more about using API7 Enterprise.
- Deploy API7 Enterprise in a highly available configuration.
- Book a meeting with API7 experts to start using API7 Enterprise in production.