Install API7 Enterprise
This tutorial walks you through installing API7 Enterprise in Docker using the quickstart script.
The installation will include the API7 Enterprise components, data plane, control plane, dashboard, and external components, PostgreSQL and Prometheus, for managing configuration and monitoring, respectively.
To deploy API7 Enterprise in highly available and scalable production environments, contact experts from
- Install Docker and Docker Compose. Version 3.10.0-927 or higher is recommended; versions 3.10.0-327 or below are incompatible.
- Install cURL.
- Obtain a 30-day free trial license.
CentOS Linux 7.6 or higher is the recommended operating system for running API7 Enterprise. CentOS Linux 7.2 and below are incompatible.
Install API7 Enterprise
Run the below command to install API7 Enterprise with the quickstart configuration:
curl -sL "" | bash
You should see the following response:
✔ Container api7-ee-postgresql
✔ Container api7-ee-prometheus
✔ Container api7-ee-api7-ee-dashboard
✔ Container api7-ee-api7-ee-dp-manager
✔ Container api7-ee-api7-ee-gateway
✔ API7-EE is ready!
Activate API7 Enterprise
Log in to API7 Enterprise using the dashboard at
. The default username and password areadmin
.Select the license you have obtained and click Upload.
If the license is valid, you should see the message "License Activated Successfully" in the dashboard.
Stop API7 Enterprise
To stop API7 Enterprise after testing, run the shell script inside the api7-ee
directory as shown below:
bash stop
Next Steps
- Follow the getting started tutorials to learn more about using API7 Enterprise.
- Deploy API7 Enterprise in a highly available configuration.
- Book a meeting with our experts to start using API7 Enterprise in production.