Log API Traffic
API7 Enterprise supports collecting route access information and recording it as logs, such as host, client IP address, and request timestamp. The information helps troubleshoot related problems. A flexible plugin extension system and a number of existing plugins for logging are provided. For example:
- Push to HTTP/TCP/UDP Logging Server
- SkyWalking
- Kafka
- RocketMQ
- Clickhouse
- Syslog
- Aliyun SLS
- Google Cloud Logging Service
- Splunk HTTP Event Collector (HEC)
- Specific file on the disk.
- Elasticsearch
- TencentCloud CLS
- Grafana Loki
- Obtain a user account with Super Admin or Runtime Admin role.
- Publish a service.
- Get the host of your own ClickHouse database.
- Install Docker.
Configure ClickHouse
Start a ClickHouse instance named
with a default databasequickstart_db
, a default userquickstart-user
and passwordquickstart-pass
in Docker:docker network create apisix-quickstart-net
docker run -d \
--name quickstart-clickhouse-server \
--network=apisix-quickstart-net \
-e CLICKHOUSE_DB=quickstart_db \
-e CLICKHOUSE_USER=quickstart-user \
-e CLICKHOUSE_PASSWORD=quickstart-pass \
--ulimit nofile=262144:262144 \
clickhouse/clickhouse-serverConnect to the ClickHouse instance using the command line tool
in Docker:docker exec -it quickstart-clickhouse-server clickhouse-client
Create a table
in databasequickstart_db
with fieldshost
type, or adjust the command accordingly based on your needs:CREATE TABLE quickstart_db.test (
`host` String,
`client_ip` String,
`route_id` String,
`@timestamp` String,
PRIMARY KEY(`@timestamp`)
) ENGINE = MergeTree()If successful, you should see
on the output.Enter
to exit from the command line interface in Docker.
Configure Logging for All Services
For optimal monitoring and tracking, Enabling the logging plugin as a global rule is strongly recommended to ensure that all services and routes are consistently tracked.
Select Gateway Groups from the side navigation bar and then select Test Group.
Select Plugin Settings from the side navigation bar.
Select the Plugin Global Rules tab and then search the
plugin in the Plugins field.Click the Plus icon (+) and a dialog box appears.
Apply the following configurations:
"log_format": {
"host": "$host",
"@timestamp": "$time_iso8601",
"client_ip": "$remote_addr"
"user": "quickstart-user",
"password": "quickstart-pass",
"database": "quickstart_db",
"logtable": "test",
"endpoint_addrs": ["http://quickstart-clickhouse-server:8123"]
}Click Enable.
Send a request to the route to generate an access log entry:
curl -i ""
Connect to the ClickHouse instance using the command line tool
in Docker:docker exec -it quickstart-clickhouse-server clickhouse-client
Query all records in table
:SELECT * from quickstart_db.test
You should see an access record similar to the following:
│ │ │ 6433300c-311b-4047-800e-579244d42aa7 │ 2023-09-01T09:24:16+00:00 │