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The proxy-mirror plugin duplicates ingress traffic to APISIX and forwards them to a designated upstream, without interrupting the regular services. You can configure the plugin to mirror all traffic or only a portion. The mechanism benefits a few use cases, including troubleshooting, security inspection, analytics, and more.

Note that APISIX ignores any response from the upstream host receiving mirrored traffic.


The examples below demonstrate how to configure proxy-mirror for different scenarios.

Mirror Partial Traffic

The following example demonstrates how you can configure proxy-mirror to mirror 50% of the traffic to a route and forward them to another upstream service.

Start a sample NGINX server for receiving mirrored traffic:

docker run -p 8081:80 --name nginx nginx

You should see NGINX access log and error log on the terminal session.

Open a new terminal session and create a route with proxy-mirror:

curl "" -X PUT \
-d '{
"id": "traffic-mirror-route",
"uri": "/get",
"plugins": {
"proxy-mirror": {
"host": "",
"sample_ratio": 0.5
"upstream": {
"nodes": {
"": 1
"type": "roundrobin"

host: configure the scheme and host address to forward the mirrored traffic to.

sample_ratio: configure the sampling ratio to 0.5 to mirror 50% of the traffic.

Send Generate a few requests to the route:

curl -i ""

You should receive HTTP/1.1 200 OK responses for all requests.

Navigating back to the NGINX terminal session, you should see a number of access log entries, roughly half the number of requests generated: - - [29/Jan/2024:23:11:01 +0000] "GET /get HTTP/1.1" 404 153 "-" "curl/7.64.1" "-"

This suggests APISIX has mirrored the request to the NGINX server. Here, the HTTP response status is 404 since the sample NGINX server does not implement the route.

Configure Mirroring Timeouts

The following example demonstrates how you can update the default connect, read, and send timeouts for the plugin. This could be useful when mirroring traffic to a very slow backend service.

As the request mirroring was implemented as sub-requests, excessive delays in the sub-requests could lead to the blocking of the original requests. By default, the connect, read, and send timeouts are set to 60 seconds. To update these values, you can configure them in the plugin_attr section of the configuration files as such:

connect: 2000ms
read: 2000ms
send: 2000ms

Reload APISIX for changes to take effect. Logo

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