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Static Configurations

By default, timeout values for the plugin are pre-configured in the default configuration.

To customize these values, add the corresponding configurations to config.yaml. For example:

connect: 60s
read: 60s
send: 60s

Reload APISIX for changes to take effect.


See plugin common configurations for configuration options available to all plugins.

  • host



    Address of the host to forward the mirrored traffic to. The address should contain the scheme but without the path, such as

  • path


    Path of the host to forward the mirrored traffic to. If unspecified, default to the current URI path of the route. Not applicable if the plugin is mirroring gRPC traffic.

  • path_concat_mode


    default: replace

    vaild vaule:

    replace or prefix

    Concatenation mode when path is specified. When set to replace, the configured path would be directly used as the path of the host to forward the mirrored traffic to. When set to prefix, the path to forward to would be the configured path, appended by the requested URI path of the route. Not applicable if the plugin is mirroring gRPC traffic.

  • sample_ratio


    default: 1

    vaild vaule:

    between 0.00001 and 1 inclusive

    Ratio of the requests that will be mirrored. By default, all traffic are mirrored. Logo

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